30 Mar Work Zone Awareness Week April 3-7 | Shannon-Baum Signs
2017 Work Zone Awareness Week
Did you know that this week is National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW)? This is an annual spring campaign observed across the country held at the start of construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The key message is for drivers to use extra caution in work zones. As stated by the U.S. Department of Transportation, a work zone is “an area of a trafficway with highway construction, maintenance, or utility-work activities.” These work zones can be found along busy highways and roads and are typically marked with signs, barriers and pavement markings. Throughout this week while driving, take notice to how many of these zones you pass by and how many hardworking people are a part of them. Work Zone Awareness week helps bring attention to these workers because they have an extremely dangerous job and their lives depend on drivers paying attention and slowing down when they enter a work zone.
Our Installation crew at Shannon-Baum Signs can be found in work zones quite often while installing signs. We appreciate all of their hard work and thank them for continually getting the job done safely. We ask that you respect their safety, and the safety of all others, by slowing down and being alert when you enter a work zone.
During this week there will be two key events on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday is the National Kick-Off Event at 10:30 a.m. EST in Montgomery County, Md. (Georgia Avenue/Randolph Road interchange, Silver Spring, Md.) For more information about this event visit the ATSSA website (http://www.atssa.com/Events/NationalWorkZoneAwarenessWeek.aspx). Wednesday is “Go Orange” day where everyone is encouraged to wear orange to show their support for National Work Zone Awareness week. Go Orange Day and NWZAW is an important time to show your support of the roadway safety industry, especially to the families of victims who have lost their lives in work zones
Drive toward ZERO crashes, Work Zone Safety is in YOUR HANDS